Before joining Cascades Job Corps Center as an Information Technology instructor, Jennifer Mott worked for 15 years as an information technology specialist at Western Washington University. Her educational background is in information technology, and she greatly enjoys sharing her love for technology and learning with others. Jennifer is passionate about her students’ success, and outside of Job Corps, she and her family provide IT support to low-income families in their community.
Computer Technician Network+

On the job, you will ...
- Install, maintain and repair computer operating systems
- Perform maintenance on computer hardware and other associated systems
- Integrate and operate equipment such as printers and scanners
- Reassemble machines after making repairs or replacing parts
- Identify how certain software impacts computer networks
Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Computer Technician Network+ Job Corps graduates go to work for midsize to large companies that have extensive computer networks, or they work for computer repair contracting companies.
This is the final level of basic training offered in the Computer Technician series. Upon completing your basic training, students may go on to study in the many Advanced Training paths for Information Technology, including Advanced Cisco-Certified Network Associate Cyber Security Ops, Advanced A+ Administration, Advanced Computer Systems Administrator and Advanced A+ Microsoft MCSE.
The credentials you will earn ...
Students who complete the Computer Technician Network+ training program can earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations such as the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) and Cisco. Credentials such as these show that students are ready for positions in computer programming and repair.
Students specialize in one of three focus areas: IT Technician, Remote Support Technician or Depot Technician.
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Information Technology
Job Corps offers training in the following information technology areas. Get started today.

In the Computer Technician Network+ training area, you will install, maintain and repair computer operating systems.